Modern Generative AI with ChatGPT and OpenAI Models – Review

Generative AI with ChatGPT and OpenAI are major milestones and unavoidable tools. These technologies are taking every industry to different levels and huge benefits to building ground-breaking applications, in this book the author has given the essence of generative AI along with the fundamentals of generative AI, ChatGPT and OpenAI precisely for new learners in an incredible way by splitting the topics to narrow down to the point of view and keeping readers mindset in his thoughts and delivered the same.

Part 1: Fundamentals of Generative AI and GPT Models – The author has geared up the basic understanding of AI, ML, DL and where generative AI stands and how different domains benefit from it, in the form of transforming the business and improving and making existing processes and operations more efficient ways in the text, image, video and music generation. The author has outlined the —ChatGPT, highlighting its history, technology, and capabilities in crystal clear form.

The author has given to the point What is OpenAI? without any confusion and jargon to know for better understanding. Alongside the author has heads-up with OpenAI APIs, models like Moderation, Embeddings and Whisper are amazing stuff for readers.

“Road to ChatGPT: the math of the model behind it” – I would suggest that readers and learners must read this topic for the best understanding of ChatGPT.

Part 2: ChatGPT in Action
This part is the core of this entire book, the author takes us on a big tour of ChatGPT. By starting with how to familiarise yourself with ChatGPT right from Setting up a ChatGPT account and exploring ChatGPT UI environments. And moving to prompt design capabilities by giving “Prompt refers to the input the user provides to the generative models.” Followed by a what and why prompt is important.

Here are some best practices on how you can use them to improve your prompt performance and how to avoid risk, as well as some practices you should avoid during the utilisation of ChatGPT.

Neat guidance on Do’s and Don’ts while designing your prompt. Techniques for boosting day-to-day productivity with ChatGPT in various aspects.

Please remember that the author touches on the most important mind-blowing capabilities of ChatGPT and how to deal with multiple programming languages like Python, but the list is huge. It helps us to generate code, optimise and debug the code, generate documentation and code explainability and additional ML model interpretability capabilities.

The author gives not only the technical capabilities of ChatGPT but also provides how marketers can leverage ChatGPT as a valuable assistant. One another topic is “New product development and the GTM strategy” must read, the author is giving perfect guidance on this for marketers additionally, A/B testing for marketing comparison and followed by Research Reinvented with ChatGPT is a power pack for researchers and many more privileges are ample for ChatGPT learners like Generating a presentation, formatting a bibliography, etc.

Part 3: OpenAI for Enterprises
The author has given a detailed introduction to the partnership of OpenAI and Microsoft Azure OpenAI (AOAI) service scalability, flexibility, and security typical of cloud-scale architectures and plays around with the AIAO environment. Understanding responsible AI with Microsoft and how Azure OpenAI is being used at the enterprise level in various domains and building products like contract analyzer and generator, analyzing language, flagging potential issues and Providing contract templates with classical coding and implementation. Surely learners can try all these samples and understand how AIAO and realize the full benefits of Azure OpenAI.

Overall … I can give 4.5/5.0 for this. Certainly, a special effort from the author is much appreciable.

Published by Shanthababu

I am Shanthababu Pandian, and having 17 yrs of IT experience and doing Project Manager Roles and responsibilities.

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